Gender posing historic
8 years art studies in Paris, a city full of seduction, flirting, gender-roles, paintings, photos and sensuality created in me the desire to explore and embody some of those famous old, but still up to date paintings. Like "The Origin of the World" by Gustave Courbet 1866, "The Lunch on the Grass" by Edouard Manet 1863.
How would it be exploring with our bodies our desires and thoughts through these historical paintings, as a woman, a man and as any gender that wishes to explore? How is it to be watched posing as “The origine of the world”? To present your genitals in such a beautiful, glamorous, prominent way? How to watch someone’s genitals presented so beautifully? How does it feel to pose as a model? As a model in an already existing image? To be a part of its history, its sensuality, its scandal, and its universality? To feel the identity, the interaction with other? To be observed? Then maybe try to bring yourself into the picture? To feel what that does, to feel what is important now, what becomes possible ...
How is it to have your body arranged so precisely? To be arranged for the purpose of beauty? How is it to help to arrange a body? To be able to see a painting from every angle? To observe real people posing? To walk around? To do some sketches?
In the beginning we will have a look at the painting and its story and explore what happens looking at the painting. Then there will be time for posing.
First time I gave this Workshop was in Vienna 2013 …
Poesie der Genitalien - Xplore Berlin
Triff deine Klit, Sharing - Wonderlust Festival, Helsinki
Klara Lotte als Klitoris Spezialistin in der finnischen Zeitung!
Meet your clit, Poetry of the genitals, Sharing yourself, sharing your beloved, Letting trees talk to us - Into the Wild, Australien
At the festival “Into the Wild” in New South Wales in Australia, Klara taught “Meet your Clit”, “Poetry of the genitals”, “Letting the trees talk to us” and together with Peter Banki PhD “Sharing yourself, sharing beloveds”, “Liquid love”.
Clitmess Days, Berlin
“Triff deine Klit” in Laura Merritt’s Salon bei Sexclusivitäten
Gender Posing, Historic - Xplore Wien
Geschlechter Posen, historisch
Freitag "Ursprung der Welt"
Samstag "Das Frühstück im Grünen"
8 Jahre Kunststudium in Paris, einer Stadt voll von Kunst, Bildern, Verführung, Geschlechter-Rollen und Sinnlichkeit, haben in mir die Lust geweckt ein paar von den ach so berühmten und mich zugleich aufwühlenden Bildern "auszuprobieren".
Zum Beispiel Bilder wie "Ursprung der Welt" von 1866 von Gustave Courbet oder "Picknick im Grünen" von 1863 von Èdouard Manet.
Es könnte Sinn machen, sich das Verhalten und die “Posen” von Mann und Frau in vergangenen Zeiten anzusehen, als Mann oder Frau oder als was auch immer. Besonders in diesen beiden sehr vielschichtigen Bildern. Manet nannte sein Bild "flotter Vierer" und stellte es ganz unverfänglich als "Das Bad" vor. Wie fühlt sich das Verhältnis dieser vier Personen an, wenn man eine der Personen im Bild ist?
Was beutet es das Modell in bereits existierenden Bildern zu sein, ein Teil ihrer Geschichte zu werden, ihrer Sinnlichkeit, ihres Skandals, ihrer Universalität? Die Rollen der Personen zu spielen, die eigene Identität und die Interaktion mit den anderen zu spüren. Betrachten, betrachtet werden. Und dann vielleicht ausprobieren sich selbst mit hinein zu bringen. Spüren, was das macht, was dann möglich oder wichtig ist ....
Bitte eigene Kleider für "Picknick im Grünen" mitbringen. Gerne etwas festliches, in dem ihr euch schön findet und euch "angezogen" fühlt. Mit Schuhen.
8 years art studies in Paris, a city full of art, images, gender-roles and sensuality created in me the desire to explore and try some of those famous and same time still irritating paintings. Because it seems to make sense to look at today’s’ male/female behaviour and roles through the eyes of history and to try them out as a man or as a woman or as what so ever.
Friday: "The Origin of the World", Saturday: "The Lunch on the Grass"
How does it feel to pose as model? As a model in an already existing image? To be a part of its history, its sensuality, its scandal, and its universality? To feel the identity, the interaction with other? To be observed? Then maybe try to bring yourself into the picture? To feel what that does, to feel what is important now, what becomes possible ...
How is it to help to arrange a body? To be able to see a painting from every angle? To observe real people posing? To walk around? To do some sketches?